A place to share library news, happenings, and thoughts about our favorite books and authors as we "Soar to Excellence!"

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Good-bye, sweet Shelley!

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the death of one of our beloved library pets, Shelley the Guinea Pig.  Shelley has been a beloved pet in the library since 2012 when I was gifted with her from Summitt teacher, Nicole Wilson.  Her cute little buck teeth enjoyed chomping endlessly on hay, carrots, celery, and sweet peppers.  Shelley made many friends in her short life as she was always quick with a whistle and known for her gentle ways.  She is survived by her dear friend, Whiskers the Guinea Pig.

No formal announcement has been made to our students or staff, but I did want the community to know in case the news comes home with your youngster, "Shelley died."  Shelley is not a student. Shelley was a wonderful Guinea Pig friend.

Image result for guinea pig
In memory of Shelley

On a side note, I am looking for a new female companion for Whiskers as they are extremely social creatures.  Please contact me with any info if you have one or kow of anyone looking for a new home for an old friend.

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